Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Green Government Waste

Here's an example of government "investing" your money into failure.

As many as 50 Obama-backed green energy companies bankrupt or troubled
By Michael Bastasch
3:24 PM 10/30/2012

The October bankruptcy of solar company Satcon Technology Corp. puts the number of bankrupt or troubled green energy companies as high as 50, according to one estimate. During the first presidential debate, Republican candidate Mitt Romney said the Obama administration had doled out $90 billion to green energy companies, half of which he said had failed, which sparked a media-wide debate over the accuracy of the claim. Read the Story
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Now,  probably as most anybody,  I am all for green energy and a clean environment.

I am no economist nor investing expert, (not even a betting man) but I would bet that private investors would NOT invest in these ventures.  Or, at least, private financers "go all in" like the government.

Now, after squandering billions of tax dollars, our governments are asking for more taxes!

It's like if I blew my whole paycheck buying a truckload of fake dog feces.  Now there's no money left to pay the rent and bills so my solution is to ask my  benefactors to pay me even more money because my children need a place to live.... They'd not only say "no" but probably laugh in my face.

So why should we say yes to our government at federal, state or any level -whatever the sob story is.  Or, that "we're just asking the rich to help out a little more...." because they can "afford" it (Mr. Buffet).

I say pay the bills  first, Mr. or Ms.Elected Government Official and don't ever ask me to chip in on a truckload of feces!

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