Monday, January 13, 2014

Anarchy - Not A Cuss Word

Anarchy in the USA!

(my comment from this discussion:  Libertarians on Google+  )

I used to be completely opposed to anarchy, knowing that we humans need some sort of rules to live by and something in place to protect and enforce it.

Now I understand that our (U.S.) government was originally established to do just the minimum to try to protect individual freedoms and provide for the common defense - leaning as close to anarchy as possible and as far away from tyranny as possible.

From what I'm observing, government (throughout history) always gravitates toward tyranny.

Whether by accident, design or some combination.... The US government has grown out of its britches and seems to be rampaging like an unsupervised teenager that continues to get more out of control because the parents are absent, indifferent, and too busy to be bothered with disciplining their child.

We, the people, are the "parents" to this big spoiled child that we never say no to.

The government is our servant, not the other way around.

I now understand anarchy to be an ideal that we should strive for. Anarchy would be perfect if we individuals could be perfectly responsible for ourselves; perfectly resolve every dispute; and perfectly hold each other accountable.

Knowing absolute perfection is not achievable, I believe our form of government is the most ingenious one conceived so far in human history.

We the people (the parents) need to get our spoiled child (the government) back in line before it's too big and simply doesn't have to listen to us at all any more.

I highly and definitely recommend writing to your representatives, get involved with your local government, join an organization or two that works toward this end - just start doing something, no matter how small!

I know we're all busy surviving, etc, but just start with something small. The Internet is a great way - this discussion is a fine example.

For example: I pick one issue and I email, fax, call and let my representatives know my stance and (usually) my disagreement. I continue to stick to it even though all I seem to get is the generic (and nauseating) response form-letter stating how so-and-so representative is "working hard" for "all" their constituents. (when they seem to vote in a way that is contrary to what's good for their constituents (let alone, the USA.!) - I wonder who they're actually representing or if they've just completely lost their mind!).

So, in this light I say: Yes, the government has to raise revenue and, yes, the government that prints a currency owns that currency...

However, taxation without representation IS theft. And, at least under the US government, it's We the People that GOVERNMENT is suppose to act for and, in turn, "We the People" that own what the government owns (so that money is ultimately ours).

The whole "loan" thing is a product of the Federal Reserve that is at the same time a fine indicator of the unconstitutionality of it!


Thank God for the First Amendment and debate.

On a side note, it's interesting to me that our (US) Government is based on the same one from which we "threw the yoke off!" (Of course, minus the hereditary entitlements and with emphasis on individual sovereignty and all that). 

~Magnus ~ Posted via Blogaway

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